The school community gathered to pay their respects in our annual Act of Remembrance.
The school was proud to be visited by war veteran, Mr P J Fairey (CPO Royal Navy), who offered students insight to life in the military and recalled some of his experiences to student representatives. They asked questions about Mr Fairey’s varied and extensive 33-year military career. Students in the Cadets, Scouts, Guides and St John’s Ambulance were invited to participate in a parade around the school’s courtyard. There was an air of reflection as the parade ended and students stood to pay their respects.
Headteacher, Mr Knowles, read a remembrance poem before The Last Post sounded across the school, ensuing a moment of silence from the children and staff around the building. To conclude the ceremony, students participated in the official presentation of wreaths and crosses, which were placed around the heart of the courtyard; the Tupton Tree.