BFI Film Academy

Two of our current Year 13s, Luke and James, have applied, been accepted and are currently participating in the BFI (British Film Institute's) Film Academy programme at Sheffield's Showroom Cinema.
This programme plays a key role of training and developing the next generation of film industry professionals. The applicant costs are kept deliberately low (£25) for a professional level of training and development.
Luke, has described the experience as, "Giving us vital experience in the professions. It is a hands-on experience - we are actually making films together - working with industry professionals and directors such as Clio Bernard. The film we are working on will be released in February in film festivals, cinemas and gives us an IMDB credit. I have the role as director and learning to be able to express your vision, accept opinions and make adjustments to your idea has been a steep but valuable learning curve. I wouldn't change it for anything else - one of the best things I have done!"
Here's hoping they can join the growing list of Tupton Hall School alumni working in the film and media industries.