Sixth Form Scientists Visit University
On Thursday 13th January, Tupton Hall Sixth Form's Year 12 chemistry students visited Sheffield Hallam University to complete some practical work which was part of their practical competency assessment.
The students carried out two sets of titrations to analyse biocidal disinfectants. They needed to be competent in setting up the analytical apparatus and make accurate observations to determine the end point in the titrations. The challenge was made more difficult as the chemicals used were unfamiliar to the students.
All students rose to the challenge and were then able to use their results to calculate whether the concentration of peracetic acid met the threshold required. Head of Post 16 Sciences, Mrs C Spencer, accompanied the students on their trip. Mrs Spencer commented; "I was very impressed with the conduct of the students and how well they settled into the unfamiliar laboratory, they were asking very insightful questions about studying at university."