Students Rewarded for Reading Success!
Students were gifted books to thank them for helping to improve reading at Tupton Hall.
At Tupton Hall, we aim to provide a wide reading culture for all students. We want to ensure that our school is a place where reading is valued, promoted and actively encouraged.
Students who participated in Accelerated Reader Quizzes and Book Reviews were gifted books and 'book worm' badges from school to thank them for their hard work towards improving reading at Tupton Hall.
Senior Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Neville, commented: "Our students have worked so hard on their reading over the past term, this seemed the best way to reward them. When our Y7 and Y8 students were selecting their ‘BookBuzz Book of Choice’ back in October, little did they realise our librarians were keeping a secret record to enable us to gift them this book as a reward for their hard efforts towards improving reading in our end of term celebration event."
"All Year 7s and Year 8s received their book last week with a few golden rules - take it home, read it, enjoy it, share it and maybe pass it on. Several students were also rewarded with Bookworm pin badges following their submission of a book review."
“Our students have worked incredibly hard to improve their reading ability and this seemed the obvious way to reward them”. Feedback from students has been amazing, with stories ranging from how much they have already read and enjoyed their book to plans to take their book to a Boxing Day football match to try and get it signed by Marcus Rashford. I guess it’s a case of “watch this space” to see if they are successful!"