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Making the most of mocks

Mock exams are here! Here are some tips for students who want to make the most of their mocks.

Mock Examinations can be just as daunting as the real thing. Students have the opportunity to experience exam conditions and to practice for their upcoming GCSEs, with external invigilators, designated seats and plenty of hard work. With this comes pressure, stress and often anxiety. There are several ways to deal with this which are explained in our previous blog: How to Deal with Exam Stress.

Mocks are a great opportunity for students to identify areas or subjects that they may need to work on. They are also a fantastic opportunity to understand how their papers are marked and what they can do to improve. Remember: mock exams are the best tool you have for improving your knowledge and preparing for your GCSEs.


  1. Note-worthy!

Organised revision notes allow students to make revision timetables to structure their time around their exams. To help organise your notes, try using clear headings and including relevant information. Remember, everybody revises differently, and the best way to find what works for you is to try a variety of options. Try making posters, revision cards, and sticky notes!


  1. Organise your time well!

When planning your revision, ensure you schedules a five-minute break (at least!) for each hour. If you have lots to study, the Pomodoro technique might work better for you; that’s twenty-five minutes of work followed by a five-minute break. Try to vary the subjects you are studying – don’t try to spend a full day on a single subject. Use our revision planner to organise your revision!


  1. Use past papers to your advantage.

Past papers are a great way of revising, as the topics are varied, the questions are in the right format, and you can self-diagnose any problem topics. Take notes of any feedback from your teachers and keep them handy for future revision.


  1. Use your experience

Don’t forget, this revision can be recycled for your GCSEs! After you finish your exam, it can be helpful to create a list of topics you didn’t understand and revise them with peers, teachers or as part of your own revision at home!


  1. Look after yourself!

Remember to build in down-time to your revision schedule and to make sure that you are taking care of yourself physically and mentally.