A Level students enjoy the spotlight

Following months of uncertainty, the class of 2020 came back to school to receive their A Level results.
The celebratory mood was slightly subdued as students adhered to social distancing measures to collect their envelopes. But there was much cause for celebration as the school has seen some outstanding individual achievements, with results broadly in line with historic trends.
Overall, the percentage of A* - B grades awarded was 57.6% and the pass rate stamds at 100 per cent.
Behind the headline figures are many hard-working and inspirational young people who are now looking ahead to bright and varied futures. Despite not having been able to sit their exams, many students were extremely pleased with their results – a welcome relief after months of anguish and uncertainty during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Charlotte Burton, said: “We are very proud of our students because of the people they are - the kindness, responsibility and maturity they have shown in these challenging times. They have had so much to deal with; the anxiety caused by the speculation about the results has resulted in a great deal of worry for the students.”
“However, these results are very pleasing and there is genuine cause for celebration. Tupton Hall Sixth Form has a long and sustained record of success with A Level results and this year - even without the exams - the results and our students demonstrate the success of our provision.”
“No one could have foreseen what was to happen when the Government locked down the country in March and schools closed for all students except those of key workers. Most people thought the exams would go ahead and students would get to enjoy their final months in school. But as the weeks passed it became painfully clear that the Year 13 cohort had left school and finished their education with us. They missed out on those summer days with friends, the school prom, a leaving assembly and of course exams.”
“Whilst we all know students are not always positive about the examination process, we must acknowledge that this is how they show their ability and shine; they did not get the opportunity to do that this year.”
“What our students did instead was support each other in amazing ways: creating new ways to talk to each other via social media and virtual meetings; reaching out to the vulnerable in their communities; caring for younger siblings and putting their immense talents to good use. They might not have sat exams but they all grew up and matured into wonderful adults who truly appreciate the value of friendship and community.”
Tupton Hall Sixth Form is one of the most inclusive Sixth Forms in Derbyshire, welcoming students from as many as 11 local schools. Students have the opportunity to choose from a diverse range of A Level subjects and to set their own goals.
Many Tupton Hall students are now heading to universities across the country to study subjects as wide ranging as architecture, popular music, forensic science, film making, politics, archaeology, law and history. Others are beginning their careers by embarking on apprenticeships in fields such as health & social care nursing and legal administration.
Mr Andrew Knowles, headteacher of Tupton Hall School, said: “We are delighted for our students after a traumatic end to their Post 16 experience with us. Their efforts and hard work over the two years of study have been duly rewarded. We are all very proud of this wonderful group of individuals. I would also like to thank our highly skilled staff and supportive parents and families who have supported our students throughout this time.”
Student Stories
- Eszter Kenez has studied for an incredible 5 A Levels, securing grades A* in Spanish and the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), As in History
and Media Studies and a D in Maths. In September she will go to study Filmmaking and Screen Writing at the University of the West of Scotland. She said: “I have been a bit nervous during lockdown but am just grateful that all my family stayed safe. Getting my results today has been a big relief and I’m really pleased to see everyone after so long.”
- Jen Shaw is one of this year’s highest achievers and now has a place at one of the country’s top universities – The University of Oxford – where she will read History. Her grades were A*s in History and English Literature and a B in Maths. She said: “Tupton Hall Sixth Form is a lovely, supportive environment.
That’s what gave me the confidence to apply for Oxford and achieve what I have.” Jen added: “I’m really excited to start uni shopping as soon as possible!”
- Nicole Lander has used her artistic talents to magnificent effect during lockdown. She created hundreds of hand-drawn pictures of key workers, raising thousands of pounds for NHS charities. Nicole has also sold some artwork to raise funds for university necessities, with several pieces going to a buyer in New York, USA. She said: “I’ve got through lockdown by keeping busy and doing what I love.” Nicole’s A* in Art, A in Product Design and B in Law will take her to study Product Design at Leicester’s De Montfort
University. Said Nicole: “My time at Tupton Hall has been amazing. I’ve had great support from my teachers who have dedicated so much time to help me achieve.”
- Adam Metcalfe has kick-started his career, having already embarked on an apprenticeship in legal administration with a local solicitors’ firm. Adam, who joined Tupton Hall Sixth Form after studying GCSEs at Springwell Community College, said he wasn’t sure if university was right for him. He applied for his current role via the Government’s apprenticeships website in June and after impressing in interviews and work trials via Zoom, he started the job on 1 July. “In some ways lockdown has been the making of me,”
beamed Adam after collecting his C in English Language and D in Law. “I’m so happy and I absolutely love the work I’m doing.” He added: “I will really miss Tupton Hall. My time here has been full of experiences, people and memories I will never forget.”
Other high performing individuals:
- Samuel Furness: A A B B in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics.
- Alice Robinson: A* A* A in Geography, Psychology and Sociology.
- Charlie Twell: A* A* A in Maths, Further Maths and English Language.
- Bertie Williamson: A* A* A in Maths, Chemistry and Biology.
- Olivia Laughton: A A A in English Literature, Psychology and Biology.
A selection of student destinations:
- Georgia Asher will study Psychology at The University of Sheffield.
- Charlie Twell will study Maths at the University of Nottingham.
- Marshall Nixon will study Aerospace Engineering at the University of Sheffield.
- Roman Kuler will study Electronic and Computer Engineering at the University of York.
- Anabelle Jolly will study Fashion Promotion at Manchester Metropolitan University.
- Sam Botham will study Agriculture and Mechanisation at Harper Adams University.
- Sophie Lanczak will study Environmental Science at Liverpool Hope University.
- Abbey Hicks will study a LLB (Hons) Law degree at the University of Derby.