Year 13 Leavers Celebrate their Time at THS Sixth Form

This week marked the end of an era for students as the Year 13 cohort finished their last day of Sixth Form before study leave.
To celebrate the students' hard work, studies, and determination in the face of adversity, an ice cream van paid the sixth formers a visit to offer them a tasty 'well done' and to celebrate the last two years of their lives.
In the Richard Smith Hall, Head of Post-16, Mrs Burton, hosted an emotional leavers' assembly, with old photographs allowing the cohort to reminisce their Sixth Form experience. Mrs Burton urged the students to be proud of themselves and to remember how amazing they are wherever they go next.
The event concluded with the cohort thanking Mrs Burton for her dedication and hard work. Students then had an opportunity to take photographs and say their goodbyes before they begin the next chapter of their lives.