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Exam Results

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another or to data from previous years.

GCSE Results & Destination Information

GCSE RESULTS 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Basics (A-C in English & Maths) 56% 63.3% 65.5% 61.1% 53.6%
Progress 8 -0.6 -0.23 -0.29 -0.35 -0.53
Attainment 8 42.66 44.46 45.46 44.52 38.52
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) entered 59.2% 31.9% 37% 40.8% 36.2
English Baccalaureate (EBacc)  23% 26.6% 28.2% 23% 20.9

GCSE Destination Information

Post-16 Results & Destination Information

Post-16 Results 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Average Points Score Per Student 91.62 106.89 103.04 106.15 91.34
Average Points Score Per Exam Entry 34.34 35.07 37.08 36.22 32.74%
Overall Pass Rate 99.4% 100% 100% 99.5% 99.4%
A* - B 49% 58.8% 53.9% 55.9% 44.7%
A* - C 73% 85.5% 81.9% 78.7% 72.5%
Progress       0.21 -0.5
Retention       142/159 153/162













Post 16 Destination Information 2023

University 85  
FE/College 25  
Apprenticeship/ Employment 11  
Gap year 1  

For progress scores, average grade, student retention and destinations, see the Department for Education performance tables.